Bryan Brown

3001 Esperanza · Austin, TX 78758 ·

Always up for a challange leveraging the latest technology and bridging the gap.


DevOps Engineer

Compeat Restaurant Management Software

Role: Managed day-to-day operations of cloud infrastructure and monitoring along with developing new pipelines for services and products.

Infrustructure: Hybrid cloud (AWS) and on-prem data centers in Austin, TX, Houston,TX and Reno, NV

Software: Mix of VB.Net, Angular, Node and .Net Core

Automation: GoCD, AWS CodePipeline, GitHub with some experince in Gitlab

Data: Primariliy MS SQL with AWS DocumentDB and some Cosmos DB and Cube technology

Tools: VS 2019, VS Code, SSMS, AWS Console, GoCD, Github, GitLab

March 2019 - Present

Software Developer 2

Compeat Restaurant Management Software

Role: Full stack development with HTML, CSS and Angular

Infrustructure: Hybrid cloud (AWS) and on-prem data centers in Austin, TX, Houston,TX and Reno, NV

Software: Mix of VB.Net, Angular, Node and .Net Core

Automation: GoCD, AWS CodePipeline, GitHub

Data: Primariliy MS SQL with AWS DocumentDB

Tools: VS 2016, SSMS, AWS Console, GoCD, Github

January 2018 - Feburary 2019

Software Developer 1

Compeat Restaurant Management Software

Role: Full stack development with Angular

Infrustructure: Hybrid cloud (AWS) and on-prem data centers in Austin, TX

Software: Mix of Angular and Node

Automation: GoCD, AWS CodePipeline, GitHub

Data: Primariliy MS SQL with AWS DocumentDB

Tools: VS 2016, SSMS, AWS Console, GoCD, Github

September 2016 - January 2018

Software Developer

TEGA Technologies

Role: Full stack development with .NET Web Forms

Infrustructure: Azure Cloud

Software: .Net Web Forms

Data: Azure MS SQL

Tools: VS 2012, SSMS

July 2010 - December 2011



Programming Languages & Tools
  • Mobile-First, Responsive Design
  • Cross Browser Testing & Debugging
  • Cross Functional Teams
  • Agile Development & Scrum


Apart from being a developer, I'm an avid gamer.

I follow a number of sci-fi and fantasy genre movies and television shows, I am an aspiring entrepreneur, and I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technology advancements.

Awards & Certifications